Лондон Частен Стоматологичен Кабинет
Български Зъболекар в Лондон

Handling Complaints

It is the aim of our practice to ‘Have a Clear and Effective Complaints Procedure’ by meeting the GDC ‘Standards for the Dental Team’, and deliver good practice in complaint handling. Our team are trained to resolve all complaints promptly, efficiently and politely by following our Patient Complaints Procedure and Complaint Management procedures (both available on request).

Our team respond to complaints in the time limits set by the Complaints Procedure and always provides constructive responses to complaints. The practice never discriminates against a patient who has made a complaint. Team members do not react defensively to a complaint but listen carefully to a patient who makes one and involves them fully in the process of managing it. The team member will make best endeavours to meet any outcomes the patient expects. If a patient is not satisfied despite our best efforts to resolve the complaint they will be informed about other avenues that are open to them such as the GDC Dental Complaints Service and the NHS Ombudsman.

The team are regularly trained in complaint handling and are involved in the regular review of complaints, complaints procedures and management so that services, policies and procedures can be continually improved.

The Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman, Millbank Tower, Millbank London SW1P 4QP, telephone: 0345 015 4033, for complaints about NHS treatment.

  • The Dental Complaints Service (08456 120 540) for complaints about private treatment
  • The General Dental Council, 37 Wimpole Street, London, W1M 8DQ (the dentists’ registration body)